Sunday 30 March 2014

Karakia Homework

Karakia - record yourself reciting our karakia. Focus on using the correct pronunciation of the words.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Homework this week

The Gate Pa Battle Crossword:

Prototec Maths:

Not Timed:



Thursday 20 March 2014

Swimming Sports Recount

Stomp stomp stomp. Our feet wander on the firm concrete to the Tauranga Swimming Pools. We walk in pairs. Paparazzi takes photos of us while driving past (Mrs Mills). Eventually we got to the amazing swimming pools. 

When we finally got there we planted our bags on the seating. Miss Campbell yelled out to the year 8 girls to go line up for our very - very first race. As I line up my belly rolls around inside me. I have butterflies in my tummy. The whistle blows to go forward onto the diving boards. My legs wobble like a jelly fish. My nervous feet grip onto the used diving board, my teeth scrape together like two biscuits rubbing. The bright sun climbs up my face into my eyes's almost blinding me. I then reach down with my tough hands to grab onto the diving board. 

The loud clapper makes its noise. I dive into the cold water squeezing my arms together against my ears tightly. I make a small splash, the water ripples like a water bottle shaking. I mermaid through the water up to the surface then start doing freestyle. I kick as fast as I can at the same time as moving my arms I go faster and faster as I get closer to the blue wall. I take a big breath every three strokes. I peek my head up to see if I am in front. I am. My arm is 5 strokes away from the wall. I'm at my last breath and stroke. I reach over and slam my hand against the wall and I made a big swish of water hitting against the wall. 

I stand up and got my stick which shows what I came and I got orange which meant I came first. "Yay!" I say silently in my head.



Thursday 13 March 2014

Tech - Music

Today at tech we learnt the chords D, A7, G, E and A on the guitar and we were learning how to do chords on the keyboard. Also learnt how to play counting stars on the ukulele.

Today at tech Miss Story tested us on guitar and keyboard I did good at guitar and Key board.

Today at tech in partners we made a jingle for a crunchy bar add using garageband. I was in a group with Zoe T, we sung and played guitar. We did good but we had a few electronic problems.

Today at tech we got tested on ukulele I think I did well. Then we got to go on the guitars and had to practice our Guitar chords.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


This weird looking creature is a Weedy Sea Dragon!

The Weedy sea dragon or common sea dragon, Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, is a marine fish related to the Seahorse. It is the only member of the Genus Phyllopteryx. It is found in water 3 to 50 m deep around the south coast of Australia, from Port Stephan's, New South Wales to Gerald ton Western. It also found in the waters around Tasmania. Weedy sea dragons are named for the weed-like growth on their bodies. This camouflage hides them as they move among the seaweed beds where they live. The weedy sea dragon is the aquatic emblem for the state of Victoria.

Monday 3 March 2014

Homework: Prototec Maths


Prototec Maths - complete 6 of these over the next 2 weeks. 3 at your Stage and 3 timed ones. Snapshot just the result and create a blog post with all 6 images in it. Make them small images.

Here is a photo of my results:

Box Method

My teacher gave me a challenge for maths (homework) to go home and make a poster or slideshow to show you how to do the box method. 

Here is my picture of the box method in steps:

Sunday 2 March 2014


What do you need to know more about?

What colour are their eyes?

-Whitish Yellow

Do they live in groups?

Live by themselves. They are very territorial, and do not really share their space with other possums.

What countries do they live in?

- Possums are found in New Guinea, Australia (including Tasmania), Sulawesi (Indonesia) and a few other small islands in the Pacific Region.

How many babies do they have?

Possums generally give birth to just to a single joey (baby possum) at a time. They have about 1 - 5 babies.

What family do they come from? eg: Cheetah is from the Cat family.

Well actually possum is a suborder (Phalangeriformes) in the order Diprotodontia. So possums don't belong to a family, but they make up different types of families. There are six families in this suborder:
1. Burramyidae: Pygmy possums
2. Phalangeridae: Brush tail possums and cuscuses
3. Pseudocheiridae
4. Petauridae
5. Tarsipedidae
6. Acrobatidae

Why don't we want to see these animals on the NZ bush?

Possums are destroying New Zealand on two fronts. Every night an estimated 70 million of them chew their way through 21 000 tonnes of choice green shoots, fruits, berries and leaves in our native forests (the equivalent of eating 190 million standard hamburgers each night). Possums are omnivores,
and, as well as a wide range of leaves, they eat birds’ eggs, chicks and insects. Their voracious appetite threatens the survival of many of our native plants, birds and insects. Apart from their destruction of our native plants and animals, possums are also a major pest on farmland. They can be a carrier, and transmitter, of the disease Bovine tuberculosis (Tb) in many parts of the country. The presence of that
disease threatens New Zealand’s reputation as an exporter of world class beef and venison.