Thursday 20 March 2014

Swimming Sports Recount

Stomp stomp stomp. Our feet wander on the firm concrete to the Tauranga Swimming Pools. We walk in pairs. Paparazzi takes photos of us while driving past (Mrs Mills). Eventually we got to the amazing swimming pools. 

When we finally got there we planted our bags on the seating. Miss Campbell yelled out to the year 8 girls to go line up for our very - very first race. As I line up my belly rolls around inside me. I have butterflies in my tummy. The whistle blows to go forward onto the diving boards. My legs wobble like a jelly fish. My nervous feet grip onto the used diving board, my teeth scrape together like two biscuits rubbing. The bright sun climbs up my face into my eyes's almost blinding me. I then reach down with my tough hands to grab onto the diving board. 

The loud clapper makes its noise. I dive into the cold water squeezing my arms together against my ears tightly. I make a small splash, the water ripples like a water bottle shaking. I mermaid through the water up to the surface then start doing freestyle. I kick as fast as I can at the same time as moving my arms I go faster and faster as I get closer to the blue wall. I take a big breath every three strokes. I peek my head up to see if I am in front. I am. My arm is 5 strokes away from the wall. I'm at my last breath and stroke. I reach over and slam my hand against the wall and I made a big swish of water hitting against the wall. 

I stand up and got my stick which shows what I came and I got orange which meant I came first. "Yay!" I say silently in my head.



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