Sunday 9 November 2014


I hear screams, shouts, counting down from 10. My belly bounces up and down while crazy people energetically play with my mimi blob. Children grabbing onto my ladder pulling themselves up while rocking me side to side. I look up at the cloudy sky when I see a brave girl about to get blobbed. Bang! The girl goes flying through the sky and drops like an elevator into the water. Waves start to form...

They waves sneakily glide under me. I rattle like a snake. They come out the other side of me over and over again. The old platform that floats over ice cold water slightly moves side to side. The trees rumble making bigger waves.

Monday 15 September 2014

Homework Challenges: Academic Excellence

Improve you study skills - Research Rimu:

Where do you find it?
It can be found around much of the North Island and the lowland forests of the South Island, especially on the West Coast, where the densest populations can be seen.

Why is it important to Maori?
Rimu is used for medicine. The aromatic leaves of this conifer were used in vapour baths.
Also Rimu grows abundantly throughout New Zealand. The bark of the Rimu tree was the most valuable medicinally to the Maori.
- Dacrydium cupressinum

What uses does it have?
- The juicy red cup that holds the seed was eaten by Maori.
- The resinous heartwood was split into slivers and tied in bundles for torches.
- Used in beer brewing by Captain Cook.
- Where Kauri did not grow, European settlers used Rimu as the main building timber.
- The bark became a common source of tannin for tanning certain qualities of leather.
- Used most recently for furniture, woodturning and carving.
- The inner bark of the rimu tree was beaten into pulp and put on burnt skin.
- The pulped bark was combined with water and hot stones in a calabash, and dabbed on ulcers or running sores.
- The gum of the young tree was used to stop wounds bleeding.
- The leaves were used on sores.
- The aromatic leaves of this conifer were used in vapor baths.

Why is Rimu the best tree in the school?
Rimu is the best tree in the school because Rimu can live to a ripe old age – 1000 years is not unheard of, although 500-600 is probably more the norm. Also the Rimu tree is very helpful, because you can make useful items out of it. Like tables, carving, woodturning. It can also be used for medicine. The bark off the tree was used helpful when you burn your skin. The leaves were used for sores. There is so much more that is useful and helpful about Rimu. Also the Rimu tree seeds are dispersed by birds like the kakapo, which eat the fleshy scale and pass the seed on in their droppings. Thats special because the kakapo is the heaviest parrot in the world. It’s possibly the longest lived bird species in the world; the low adult mortality rate suggests a mean life expectancy of 90 years, It’s flightless and It’s the only parrot that has a ‘lek’ breeding system.

Maori Name: Rimu / puaka.
Common Name: Red Pine
Botanical Name: Dacrydium cupressinum
In Mäori,rimu (often in its doubled up form rimurimu).

One of the prized timber trees Rimu is well known for its strength and durability, often used in furniture, although very little is milled these days. Much of New Zealand’s rimu has been logged, however a halt to commercial logging of the last large remaining forests on the south Islands west coast was put in place in 1999.

Rimu is a slow-growing tree, eventually attaining a height of up to 50 meters. Its lifespan is approximately 800 to 900 years. The leaves are small and awl-shaped. The seeds are dispersed by birds like the kakapo, which eat the fleshy scale and pass the seed on in their droppings.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Current Events - World’s best guard dog?

World’s best guard dog?

P= I predict that this article is about a dog that is guarding his house on the roof.

C = Nothing.

Q = How does he get up on the roof? How long does he stay up there?

S = This article is about a rottweiler standing guard on the roof of his home.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Current Events - Sleepwalker’s lucky escape

Sleepwalker's Lucky Escape

P= I predict this article is about an old man who is camping out in the bushes in his tent and sleep walks in the forest and nearly falls off a cliff.

C = None :)

Q = Did he know he could sleepwalk? How far away was the cliff from were he left?

S = A man who sleepwalks off a cliff and dislocated his shoulder, a fractured leg and a head injury. The rescuers say that he is lucky to be alive.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Current Events - Pajama Bus Thief

Pajama Bus Thief

P= I predict that it will be about a person dressed in their pyjamas and they steal something from the bus.

C = Saskatoon - An industrial city in south central Saskatchewan, situated in the Great Plains on the South Saskatchewan River; pop. 202,340 (2006).

Q = Why would a little boy want to thief a bus? How old was he?

S = Its about a little boy wearing pyjamas that steals a bus and drives it into a truck then into bus.

Monday 8 September 2014

Current Events - Restaurant bans ketchup

Restaurant Bans Ketchup!

P= I predict that it will be about a fancy Restaurant that does not allow ketchup because it is messy and it stains.

C = Nothing

Q = Why ban Ketchup for people over ten years old? Do you think people will come back to this Restaurant?

S = In Florida a restaurant has band ketchup and salt because the chef thinks that they already have enough ketchup and salt in their meal.  

Sunday 7 September 2014

Current Events - Candy That Doesn't Cause Cavities? Sweet!

Article Comprehension:

What causes cavities?
Scientists believe that streptococci mutans in the saliva causes tooth enamel to wear down resulting in the dreaded holes or cavities.

What was the genius idea the scientists at Oragano Balance came up with to try combat cavities?
They discovered a way to take the bacteria of the teeth.

What was the experiment they conducted to test their thesis? 
They made two batches of mint candles and found people to test them.

Was it successful?
Not yet.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Current Events Reading - America's Favorite Giant Panda Celebrates First Birthday

Article Comprehension:

Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's first birthday so special?
While first birthdays are always special, this one was even more so, given that only one other giant panda born at the National Zoo, Bao Bao's brother Tai Shan, has survived to celebrate this all-important milestone.

How did the zookeepers celebrate it?
In keeping with ancient Chinese tradition, the party commenced with the young panda being offered a choice of three honey-dipped bamboo shoots. Next to each, was a colorful hand-painted poster labeled 'Long Life,' 'Good Health' and 'Many Cubs'. Given that the panda's first choice is believed to predict its future, it was fortunate that Bao Bao immediately gravitated to the'Long Life' bamboo.

They also made her a tiered cake that was crafted from frozen diluted apple juice and dyed various shades of pink, with beet juice. Frozen in between, were slices of Bao Bao's favorite fruits - apples and pears. Flower appliques carved from carrots and sweet potatoes adorned the top and a large number '1', carved from frozen apple juice, completed the perfect treat. Like any one-year-old, Bao Bao attacked his birthday cake with a vengeance and kept it in a tight embrace, until it was all gone.

What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year?
The smart panda who now weighs a healthy 44lbs, has even learnt to respond to her name and stand tall on the scale, during her monthly weigh-ins.

What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two?
As the year progresses, she will gradually stop drinking her mother's milk and then just like pandas in the wild, move away from 'home', which in Bao Bao's case means shifting to a separate enclosure. Of course, this will only be a temporary home.


Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Dangerous Decibels

Today I did Dangerous Decibels with the teacher Toni. She talked to us about our ears and she taught me lots of interesting facts about Decibels.

 I learnt that lots of different sounds like bass drum and MP3 can effect your hearing which is not good for when you need to listen. I also learnt that 85 dB are the safe levels and 130 dB can cause an instant hearing loss. 

 I enjoyed experimenting the tuning fork because I liked the funny sound that it made when you hit it lightly against the floor and put next to your ear, but not on your ear because it will damage your hearing and it would hurt. 

Here are some facts you may did not know: 
Up to 85 dB are safe levels. 90-120 dB may result in hearing loss. At 125 dB + pain can begin. 
130 + can cause instant hearing loss.

Current Events - Mining Cavern Transforms Into World's Largest Underground Trampoline Park

Article Comprehension:

How is Bounce Below different from other trampoline parks?
It is different because Bounce Below is underground, other trampoline parks are in buildings above the ground. Also Bounce Below have to wear overalls and safety helmets they then embark on an old mine train for the short ride into the mountain, Which other trampoline parks do not have have. They also have a mind-blowing 60-foot plunge, as well as, chutes and ladders. They can also experience some of the other fun activities offered by its parent company, Zip World. Other Trampoline parks don't have that either.
What are some of the things visitors will experience at Bounce Below?
They can experience jumping on a giant trampoline that is underground. Also they get to experience the plunge that is a mind-blowing 60-foot drop. As well as, chutes and ladders. 

What are the two zip lines called?
The two Zip Lines are Velocity or Titan that lie within 45 minutes of each other. As you may have guessed, neither is ordinary.

What is special about each one?
Velocity the mile-long, which stands 500 feet above the ground is not just Northern Hemisphere's longest zip line, but also, its fastest, allowing daredevils to fly across at speeds exceeding 100mph.

With over 8km of zip lines, the newly opened Titan is no slouch either. Besides being the largest of its kind in Europe, it is also the first in the world to feature four lines, side-by-side. This means that families and friends can experience the thrill of flying across at 70mph, simultaneously! And they are not done yet. Zip World is now focusing its efforts on building the world's first underground zip line - So stay tuned!

Word Search:

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Homework Challenges: Excellence In The Arts

Learn an instrument or craft or join a dance school/team during the year:

I have joined the Jump Jam team this term. I had to do two trials. Mrs Stell (teacher) would choose out 40 people for the first trial. I got picked out of that 40. Then we had to do a second trial and I also got picked. There are 8 people in the Jump Jam team. I love the Jump Jam team, we all get along well. We all love dancing. I can't wait till the competitions! 

Monday 4 August 2014

Homework Challenges: Physical Activity And The Outdoors

Compete in a sport for an entire season:

I have played Netball for the last two terms. I love playing netball because Netball is fun and energetic. I started to play Netball at Primary year 4 and I love it that is why I am still playing. The reason I play Netball is because my oldest sister's play Netball so then I used to practise with them at home, my sisters taught me. I went to all of their Netball games which made me think every time I went that I would a Netball player, maybe even a famous Netball player. I have been ever since out in my backyard practising, because I am my teams shooter I have to do 100 goals everyday. All my sister's and I, even my mum love playing Netball, we all have played Netball and are in top teams.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Current Events

Article Comprehension:

Why did Direct Blinds ask people to post pet pictures on their Facebook page?
The contest, organized by Direct Blinds an online supplier of custom window coverings, asked owners to upload photos of their pets caught performing their naughtiest deeds, on the company's Facebook page.

What title did Yodie win?
While the mess took weeks to clean up, it is also the reason the naughty dog earned himself the title of Britain's Naughtiest Pet

What did he do to deserve it?
Yodi deserved it because decided to attack every cushion he could put his paws on and distribute the shreds all over the house.

What are the 2nd and 3rd place winners known to do frequently?
In second place was another dog called Harry, who's favorite hobby is to shred newspapers and magazines. The funniest and most talented was Stoops, a black cat who came in third place - She apparently loves to open the fridge and hop in to lick the tops of the cold milk bottles.

Cross Word:

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Te Reo Maori


Islands in Tauranga Moana

Leisure Island - Moturiki Island

Peach Island - Motuopae Island or Ohauroro Island

Rat Island - Motuopuhi Island

Mayor Island - Tūhua Island

These islands are well known to locals but to Maori of Tauranga these island have their own respective Maori names. Find out these names.

Te Reo Maori


The Story of Ranginui and Papatuanuku

1. Who is Ranginui and Papatuanuku?
Ranginui is the sky father and Papatuanuku is the Earth Mother.

2. Who is the god of the forests?

3. Who is the god of the winds?

4. Who is the god of war?

5. Who is the god of the sea?

Current Events Reading - Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!

Article Comprehension:

1. Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous?
The contest which is now streamed live on the ESPN channel, has become a July 4th tradition - one that is watched by millions of people every year.

2. How many hot dogs did he eat?
Joey ate 61 franks in ten minutes, Which I think is a lot of hot dogs to eat in ten minutes.

3. How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this year? 
Prior to this year Joey Chestnut has won 7 years in a row and he is now holding the title of winning the Hot Dog Eating Contest.

4.What significant event occurred before the contest began?
Before Joey Chestnut was holding the title of the Hot Dog eating contest there was a Three-time defending women's champion Sonya 'Black Widow'. She was defeated by Miki Sudo from Las Vegas, who inhaled 34 frankfurters, far outpacing Sonya's 27 3/4!

5. What happened in the women's contest?
Three-time defending women's champion Sonya 'Black Widow' Thomas did not fareas well. She was defeated by Miki Sudo from Las Vegas, who inhaled 34frankfurters, far outpacing Sonya's 27 3/4!

Word Search:

Monday 21 July 2014

Mrs Mills Bali Trip

I had an awesome trip to Bali and visited many of the places you recommended. Here are a few pictures from my trip. Find out about what or why is happening in them.

1. These little parcels are left outside everyday. You see them everywhere. What are they for?

They are called Cananag Sari and they are made to thank the gods in praise and pray. You will see these offerings in the temples, on small shrines in houses, and on the ground or as a part of a large offering.

2. It was the first day back at school when we arrived. These kids meet their teachers at the beach. They were about your age. Find out about school in Bali.

Most schools in Bali start at 9am-11am they finish vary from 1pm-4pm. They go to school 6 days a week Monday-Saturday but in New Zealand we go to school 5 days a week Monday-Friday.

3. They have tanks of these fish everywhere. You pay $3 to soak your feet in them for 15 mins. The fish nibble at your feet. Find out what type of fish they are and what they are doing?

They are called Garra rufa fish. They nibble all your dead skin off your feet which makes your skin feel really soft, and no dry skin will be left.

4. This was taken at a batik factory. What is batik?

Batik is a type of fabric dyeing method using wax to create patterns and designs.This method makes use of a resist technique, applying areas of cloth with wax (a dye-resistant substance) to prevent them from absorbing colours when the cloth is dipped into the dye. Not only as a dye-resistant substance, the wax applied is also used to control colours from spreading out from a particular area to create motif when the dye is painted.

5. This is the Saraswati Temple in Ubud. Who is it dedicated to?

The Saraswati temple is in Ubud, it is dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Saraawati.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Caveman poo suggests they may have eaten vegetables

Q. How long ago did Researchers examined ancient specimens of poo, from people who lived in part of southern Spain, how many years ago?
A1. 50,000

Q. Where did Researches examine ancient specimens of poo?
A2. Southern Spain

Q. WHat did they find in all of the samples?
A3. Traces of meat

Q. What did they find in the detailed tests with the Neanderthals poo?
A4. Plants, such as tubers, berries, and nuts.

Q. Who said that Neanderthals ate what was available in different situations, seasons, and climates?
A5. Anaira Sistiaga

Q. Where was the latest findings that comes after the recent discovery of plant microfossils trapped in?
A6. Neanderthal teeth

Q. Who were Neanderthals close to evolutionary cousins of our own species?
A7. Homo sapiens

Sunday 29 June 2014

Current Events Reading - Two-Year-Old Peanut Crowned 'World's Ugliest Dog'

Article Comprehension:

How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around? 
The Worlds Ugliest Dog Competition has been going for 26 years.

How many contestants did it attract this year?
There was 29 dogs along with their doting owners that came to Santa Rosa, Californian.

How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?
Peanut got his 'ugly' looks in a fire which caused peanut to have no lips, most of his eyelids and body hair. As a result, Peanut's eyes constantly water.

What is the organiser's main purpose for organising this unusual competition?
The organiser's main purpose for this unusual competition is that it is a great way to honour these Pooches, many of whom owe their unusual looks to human abuse. But most importantly, it raises awareness for their adoption by showing the world that physical detractions do not prevent dogs from becoming from loving pets. 

Word Search:

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Current Events Reading - Australia's Favorite White Humpback Makes A Rare Appearance

Article Comprehension:

What is so special about Migaloo?
Migaloo is special because they have the rare humpback whale in their sea. Also Migaloo is special because his name is aboriginal. Also Migaloo's colour is caused by a genetic skin condition called albinism. It is also special that Migaloo is 26-years-old because he will be alive for along time because Oskar Peterson from Australia's White Whale Research Center says they live for 80 years. Also that their body belong to the family of baleen whales which I find special.

Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
Humpback adults do get to an impressive 39-52 feet in length and over 79,000 pounds in weight.
Boats and jet-skis have to keep a distance of at least 500 meters, while airplanes have to be more than 2,000 meters away from the mammal.
Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? 
Migaloo is known as a ''hypo-pigmented humpback because Migaloo's colour is caused by a genetic skin condition called albinism, they have been unable to confirm it with scientific evidence. They therefore refer to him as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback.

Is he the only one?
No he is not the only one because in September 2011, Alan Fewings and his family reported seeing a white calf amongst a pod of migrating whales, near Cid Harbor off the coast of North Queensland, the two may be related says the experts, but Migaloo Junior has not been seen since.

Critical Thinking Challenge:

Do you think Migaloo's special colour helps or hurts him from human predators? Why
I think Migaloo's special colour will not help because white can be seen easily seen in the sea/water because white is bright, but then I think his colour is good because the experts can find/see him is the water. Also if the predators do hurt him there is a big fine.

Word search:

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Current Events Reading - Who Knew Corn Flakes Could Look So Good?

Article Comprehension:

1. What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?
Rosado used grains of corn flakes it hit her while she was eating breakfast.

2. Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece?
It takes long crushing the cereal to the right size. Rosado uses a pin to carefully shape the nose, eyes and mouth which would take a while to get it perfect. It also take long to place the corn flakes on the outline. It takes five hours to create.

3. Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013? Some of the cereal artists are 'the king of pop', Michael Jackson, Reggae legend Bob Marley, R&B singer Alicia Keys, as well as, former Beatle, John Lennon. Rosado created a series of artwork that was made entirely from dirt, she wowed everyone.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Current Events Reading - 114-Foot Tower In Budapest Is The World's Tallest Lego Structure

Article Comprehension:

1. Where was the most recent tallest Lego structure built?
In front of the Saint Stephen's Basilica in Budapest.

2. Who built it?
The elementary students in Budapest collected a team of official Lego builders from Denmark to help them build one that would surpass the existing record holder - a 112-ft 11-inch tower which is built in front of the Saint Stephen's Basilica in Budapest.

3. What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion?
You are not aloud to use adhesives and once the tower is finished you must take the wires out and let it stand up on it's on with out any support for it to be in the world record book.

4. Why does the author believe that a new Lego tower record will be attempted soon?
The author believes that because the record was broken/attempted 3 times in 2012.

Monday 16 June 2014

Current Events Reading - Vegetarian Crocodiles? You Better Believe It!

Article Comprehension:

1. What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm?
Something that is unusual about the 164,000 crocodiles are that they are vegetarians and they eat pellets that are mixed up with vegetables and meat. Also that is unusual is the crocodiles skin seems to be softer and more supple than those that eat meat. 

2. How did they turn this way?
When Zimbabwe in 2006 was undergoing and economic crises, the company found it impossible to find affordable meet to feed the 164,000 crocodiles that were raised in the farm. Desperate, they started feeding the reptiles with pellets.

3. What are the crocodiles being bred for?
The crocodiles are breaded for their skin, which is sold to European tanneries where it is transformed into leather and sold to fashion houses like Herms and Gucci to make expensive handbags, shoes and belts.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Current Events Reading - 13 Year Old Girl Conquers The Everest!

Article Comprehension:

What did Malavath do?
She climbed Mount Everest and became the youngest female to climb to the summit of the world's highest peak - Mount Everest.

Why does the author believe it is so admirable?
Because she is young and she did not give up even when she got sick she kept carrying on.

What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb?
Malavath impressed the instructor Parmesh Kumar, with her determination and grift.

What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp?
Malavath was sent back to base camp after she experienced altitude sickness when she got to the advanced base camp set up at an altitude of 6,400 meters.

How long did it take the team to get to the summit?
It took them 52 days.

What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people?
She hopes that her achievements will inspire underprivileged people and girls all over the world, to try achieve their dreams.


Sunday 4 May 2014

Battle of Gate Par Commemoration

Willie Apiata was famous because he got an award for Victoria Cross.

Jerry Mateparae is the Governor General which means if the Queen can't make it to event or something else he will be there for her. 

As you can see there is a special symbol on the number plate on the car. Which means this car is the Queens because there is a Royal Symbol on it.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Homework - Sumo Paint, The Loch Ness Monster

Sumo paint - work on creating the original art work for your unsolved mysteries project. You will use this piece in your documentary.

Here is a drawing I made on Sumo paint of the Loch Ness monster

Homework - Khan Academy

Goal 10,000 points
I have completed my goal, I now have 24,258

Sunday 30 March 2014

Karakia Homework

Karakia - record yourself reciting our karakia. Focus on using the correct pronunciation of the words.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Homework this week

The Gate Pa Battle Crossword:

Prototec Maths:

Not Timed:



Thursday 20 March 2014

Swimming Sports Recount

Stomp stomp stomp. Our feet wander on the firm concrete to the Tauranga Swimming Pools. We walk in pairs. Paparazzi takes photos of us while driving past (Mrs Mills). Eventually we got to the amazing swimming pools. 

When we finally got there we planted our bags on the seating. Miss Campbell yelled out to the year 8 girls to go line up for our very - very first race. As I line up my belly rolls around inside me. I have butterflies in my tummy. The whistle blows to go forward onto the diving boards. My legs wobble like a jelly fish. My nervous feet grip onto the used diving board, my teeth scrape together like two biscuits rubbing. The bright sun climbs up my face into my eyes's almost blinding me. I then reach down with my tough hands to grab onto the diving board. 

The loud clapper makes its noise. I dive into the cold water squeezing my arms together against my ears tightly. I make a small splash, the water ripples like a water bottle shaking. I mermaid through the water up to the surface then start doing freestyle. I kick as fast as I can at the same time as moving my arms I go faster and faster as I get closer to the blue wall. I take a big breath every three strokes. I peek my head up to see if I am in front. I am. My arm is 5 strokes away from the wall. I'm at my last breath and stroke. I reach over and slam my hand against the wall and I made a big swish of water hitting against the wall. 

I stand up and got my stick which shows what I came and I got orange which meant I came first. "Yay!" I say silently in my head.



Thursday 13 March 2014

Tech - Music

Today at tech we learnt the chords D, A7, G, E and A on the guitar and we were learning how to do chords on the keyboard. Also learnt how to play counting stars on the ukulele.

Today at tech Miss Story tested us on guitar and keyboard I did good at guitar and Key board.

Today at tech in partners we made a jingle for a crunchy bar add using garageband. I was in a group with Zoe T, we sung and played guitar. We did good but we had a few electronic problems.

Today at tech we got tested on ukulele I think I did well. Then we got to go on the guitars and had to practice our Guitar chords.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


This weird looking creature is a Weedy Sea Dragon!

The Weedy sea dragon or common sea dragon, Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, is a marine fish related to the Seahorse. It is the only member of the Genus Phyllopteryx. It is found in water 3 to 50 m deep around the south coast of Australia, from Port Stephan's, New South Wales to Gerald ton Western. It also found in the waters around Tasmania. Weedy sea dragons are named for the weed-like growth on their bodies. This camouflage hides them as they move among the seaweed beds where they live. The weedy sea dragon is the aquatic emblem for the state of Victoria.

Monday 3 March 2014

Homework: Prototec Maths


Prototec Maths - complete 6 of these over the next 2 weeks. 3 at your Stage and 3 timed ones. Snapshot just the result and create a blog post with all 6 images in it. Make them small images.

Here is a photo of my results:

Box Method

My teacher gave me a challenge for maths (homework) to go home and make a poster or slideshow to show you how to do the box method. 

Here is my picture of the box method in steps:

Sunday 2 March 2014


What do you need to know more about?

What colour are their eyes?

-Whitish Yellow

Do they live in groups?

Live by themselves. They are very territorial, and do not really share their space with other possums.

What countries do they live in?

- Possums are found in New Guinea, Australia (including Tasmania), Sulawesi (Indonesia) and a few other small islands in the Pacific Region.

How many babies do they have?

Possums generally give birth to just to a single joey (baby possum) at a time. They have about 1 - 5 babies.

What family do they come from? eg: Cheetah is from the Cat family.

Well actually possum is a suborder (Phalangeriformes) in the order Diprotodontia. So possums don't belong to a family, but they make up different types of families. There are six families in this suborder:
1. Burramyidae: Pygmy possums
2. Phalangeridae: Brush tail possums and cuscuses
3. Pseudocheiridae
4. Petauridae
5. Tarsipedidae
6. Acrobatidae

Why don't we want to see these animals on the NZ bush?

Possums are destroying New Zealand on two fronts. Every night an estimated 70 million of them chew their way through 21 000 tonnes of choice green shoots, fruits, berries and leaves in our native forests (the equivalent of eating 190 million standard hamburgers each night). Possums are omnivores,
and, as well as a wide range of leaves, they eat birds’ eggs, chicks and insects. Their voracious appetite threatens the survival of many of our native plants, birds and insects. Apart from their destruction of our native plants and animals, possums are also a major pest on farmland. They can be a carrier, and transmitter, of the disease Bovine tuberculosis (Tb) in many parts of the country. The presence of that
disease threatens New Zealand’s reputation as an exporter of world class beef and venison.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Te Whare Wananga o Te Maro - Our Marae

- explain the purpose of the Whare
-explain why it is the shape it is
- know the 3 main parts

Explain the purpose of the Whare:
In one tradition, the wharenui (meeting house) is seen as a metaphor for the world. On the outside of the house is Te Pō, or darkness. On the inside is Te Ao Mārama – the world of light. The floor represents Papatūānuku (the earth mother). It is connected by the posts of the house to the ridgepole. This symbolises the connection between her and Ranginui (the sky father). The Whare is always facing north.

Explain why it is the shape it is:
The shape of the Whare is like that because it is an ancestor. The piece of wood that goes across through the middle is the spine (Back Bone). The wood that goes off to the sides are the ribs (lungs).

Know the 3 main parts:

Ribs: Heke
Head: Mātenga
Spine: Tahuhu

Names of 4 classes in Matai: 4 paintings, tuna, crab (Pāpaka) mako shark (Mako Mangō) tuatara

Te whare wananga o Te Maro:

Rope (Taura) every colour of every house.

3 iwi:
Top one is from takitimu waka Ngati ranginui
Bottom one is from matatua Ngai te rangi
Middle one - Ngati pukenga

Nails carvers use.

Ancestors face to the sun

Head represents ancestor

Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentines Day

St Valentines was a Roman priest who was secretly organising weddings for soldiers. He was jailed then sentenced to death by the King on February 14th AD 270. We exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers, with our special valentines. A special valentine is someone that you love.

American spend up to 3.6 billion dollars on Valentines gift each year. 50 million roses are sold each year on Valentines Day. 73% of people who buy flowers for Valentines day are men and 27% are women.15% of the US women send themselves flowers on Valentines day. Eros is the greek god of love and his roman form is Cupid.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Waitangi Day

The people are carrying the Maōri banner because on the 6th of February 1840 Hone Heke, Tāmati Wāka Nene and 40 other chiefs signed the treaty. Hone Heke was the first to sign the treaty. 500 people, 13 people are woman that also signed the treaty. The treaty was signed on Bay Of Islands. They are on the road because they feel strong about the banner saying Honour the treat. The treaty was signed by the queen the government and the maōri people. The queen promised to Maōri the benefits of royal protection and full citizenship. The Treaty of Waitangi is to make peace between the Maōri's and the British.